Tuesday 13 September 2016

Beyoncé Paused her show for her Background Dancer, So She could put a ring on it

Beyoncé at St. Louis - Single Ladies

At St. Louis on Saturday, 10 September, Beyoncé stopped her show for a while in the middle of “Single Ladies”. All were surprised to see that and that was really amazing.

Beyoncé, Ashley Everett and her boyfriend - Single Ladies

Beyoncé while dancing on the stage with their performers, she called that man on stage, boyfriend of ‘Ashley Everett’ and he put a ring on her finger and make his one knee down to the floor, so he can make that special moment more special for her.

Shared that picture on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BKOEVjQDPyc/

Watch out this video & see what really happened:


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