Thursday, 22 September 2016

Prank Played By Britney’s Son Sean Federline, Shared On Social Media

Britney spears picture of Hawaii with her family

Britney Spears shared a video on facebook on September 22, 2016. She is living a very simple life like a normal human being, not same as a celebrity of Hollywood star, she is giving much time to her family and this is the only requirement of  any person. She used to share that fun with the world through social media, that we all love to watch that fun. Amazing ohh!!

Britney’s child, Sean Federline did a prank in this video with his mother. He was waiting for the walking sound of Britney’s step and he hides in the corner of the room, waiting for her. When she enters the room,  suddenly he shout loudly in the dark room, lol!!. That made a horrible  sound for Britney at that time and she shouts too through reflex action by fear, lol again!!.  Britney falls on the floor and she gave a sudden reply to his child “you bastard” and laughing sound touched the ears.

Watch out this video and recall your childhood moments too:


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